Friday, July 22, 2011

Trip to park and ice cream!

Yesterday Mommy rounded up me, Bobby and the Grandmas and took us all to the park. I played on the equipment. Mommy thought one picture was really comical since it looked like I was in baby jail. Then we went for ice cream. Mommy let me choose what kind I got and so I ordered a mini blizzard with M&Ms. I ate it all! I also enjoyed paying (I handed over some of mommy's money) for the ice cream and telling the lady "thank you!"
On a side note - Mommy has a friend who she was pen pals with way back in grade school. Now they are facebook friends and mommy's friend has a little girl too. Mommy's friend and her little girl read my blog too so they can hear about the adventures that Bobby and I have. Baby Melissa laughs and smiles when she sees pictures of Bobby and of me. It is nice to have some blog fans!

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