Thursday, March 15, 2012

A busy week!

We started out the week feeling a little crazed....or at least I was! I had read a sign at daycare the week before that said Monday is dress crazy week. Kids were supposed to wear inside out and backwards clothes. So I really talked this up to Emmy and tried to get her excited. Later on in the morning I got a text message from Robb telling me he dropped the kids off in their crazy outfits and no one else was dressed this way.....turns out crazy dressing day was the week before. I picked up the kids and Emmy told me immediately, "Mom, it is NOT inside out clothes day anymore!" I told her that yes, I heard that. She then told me, "It was SO funny mom, I laughed a lot...ahahahahah!" Then on Wednesday Bobby got an ear infection so I rushed from work to get him. He was a hit and charmed all the ladies at the doctor's office with his giggles and smiles but was pretty fussy at home. Tonight I was putting Emmy to bed and she insisted I cut the tag off her teddy bear. I told her that that was his tail and he would say, "OW" if I did that. She gave me a look like I was really stupid and told me, "Mom he doesn't talk even," I went to cut the tag off then and made a noise in a different voice pretending to be the bear saying, "OW"......she gave me the stupid look again and told me, "mom, it just doesn't make sense because that bear's mouth isn't even open!" Emmy is definitely smarter than me now!

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