Saturday, March 17, 2012

What an awesome St. Patty's day!

Such a great day so far. Beautiful weather outside, the sun is shining. Woke up early with both kids and after breakfast Robb took over so I could go for a training run. Running another 1/2 marathon in May so I'm up to 9.5 miles. Emmy and I went to the last gymnastics class and she insisted on wearing her cowgirl boots from Grandpa Kelly. She told anyone who would listen that grandpa bought those for her. She had about 15 kids in her class and they all went around in a circle saying their name and their favorite animal. When it was her turn she yelled out, "I'm Emmy Eckert and I love COWS!" She was the only kid who stated their entire first and last name and the only kid who did not choose a puppy or kitty as the favorite animal. Those trips to the ranch are making a difference in her answers I think. Then later in class the teacher had them stand in the center of the group and do their favorite gymnastics trick. Most of the kids were too shy to attempt a trick in front of teachers, parents and classmates but not my Emmy! She jumped up before her turn and I had to remind her several times that it was not her turn yet. Finally she was up and she ran to the middle and dance around waving her arms and singing, "la la la la, I'm a princess!" She told me this was her princess dance. Her teacher told her she was AWESOME. She wanted another turn but this was not to be. My little performer! After class we went for some frozen yogurt and I am always surprised at how much frozen yogurt that girl can eat - she is my girl! We came home and spent some quality time with our little Bobby. I can't wait until he can join in on the fun and take classes and go for ice cream too. He is well on his way.......

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