Saturday, March 31, 2012

embarrassing stories that my kids probably will be mad at me for telling a few years from now....

Emmy is doing great with potty training. Since it is such a hot topic at our house and we are always asking her if she has to go "poopy in the potty" it also becomes talked about in public (which is actually pretty embarrassing for me). The other day we were at the super market and Emmy told me she had to go. I thought since we were in there anyway I would use the restroom too. Even though I was not going #2, Emmy decided to cheer for me as we do her. "Go, mommy, get that poopy OUT!" She yelled in the restroom. I could have died of embarrassment. I had a chat with her about keeping out voice down when in the public restroom. On the way out of the room she said (in her regular volume of voice). "we did a great job mom going poopy in there - good for us!"

Today Emmy was complaining about her butt hurting which usually means she is constipated. So I had her drink juice and I gave her a bath. This worked like a charm and later as I helped her get dressed and she held out her arms to me for a hug and said "Oh thank you so much mommy" and I asked her why she was thanking me. She told me "I am so thankful for you giving me juice, a bath so I could get that poopy out" What a sweet and thoughtful girl.

That's all for the gross stories. Robb is at the Republican convention all day so I am planning to take the kids to the park and for ice cream later.

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