Monday, July 2, 2012

Hot weather means more time at the pool

Yesterday the Eckert family joined the Moldenhauer family along with the Moldenhauer grandparents at the Apple Creek Country club pool.  It was a great time.  The guys went golfing but the kids and moms went swimming.  Bobby loved to splash, jump in and play with toys (mostly other peoples even though I brought a whole tub of toys).  Emmy was swimming like crazy with her water wings on and no help.  I wish I could have taken some pictures but since Bobby is very attached to me I had no time.  He is at a stage right now where he only wants Robb or me to hold him.  He can say MAMA really well and so I can't exactly ignore his wishes to have me attach him to my hip.  I do love that he loves me though.  Last night they were very easy to get to bed as they were worn out.  When Emmy and I were talking to God she listened very intently to my prayer (which usually involves thanking God for Robb, Emmy, Bobby and for protecting and watch over us.....)  When I finished she said to me, "Oh mommy, that was such a sweet prayer!" 

She has been taking over a lot of my saying lately.  I didn't realize how often I start a sentence with the word "actually" until Emmy started doing it too.  The other day she got ice cream with her Grandparents Eckert and when Grandma Candy told her not to eat the paper on the outside of the cone she said, "Actually, my  mommy eats the paper on her ice cream cone all the time!"  For the record, I do not eat paper ;)

Today we are going to try out the Heritage Center together.  Hopefully Bobby doesn't break anything and Emmy doesn't ask too many questions about why the animals aren't moving there.

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