Sunday, June 29, 2014

Family bowling day

 We all went bowling today. It was an adventure. Emmy was a very graceful bowler who was disappointed when she didn't knock down every pin. She started her day with a strike and so it was hard for her to not get all those pins down after that.  Bobby was a wild bowler (no surprise there) and is was a miracle he didn't launch himself down the lane with his ball.

 Sometimes Bobby would point and yell at his ball to encourage it to keep going.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Last night of soccer

 Emmy and Bobby had their last night of soccer.  They started out as friends.  Bobby chases her and tries to hold her hand and always must stand beside her.  Robb had taken them to soccer last week and Bobby didn't listen and ran wild the entire time so he was warned that this time he would have to leave and go home with mommy if he didn't listen or was naughty.  He proceeded to tackle Emmy during warm up and laid on top of her until I got him off of her.  That was warning 1.  Then he started playing with the dirt and throwing it in the air while in line...warning 2.  Then he ran straight into the net, tackled it over to the ground and got tangled up in it.....I think we were on three.  Then the kids divided up into teams to play a game.  He had a hard time keeping his jersey on and his teacher tried to keep him wearing it.  Bobby would run to the ball, tackle whatever kid was trying to kick the ball and grab the ball with his hands.  As I got up to get him (I was sure this was warning 8 or 9 by this time he ran away and then kicked every cone he could until I caught him).  We made it through most of soccer, but in the end Bobby had to go home early with me.

 Emmy is a soccer all star though.  She kicked in a goal during the game, listened well and followed directions.  She also won every single warm up girl is fast!  I was so proud of her. Bobby I am sure will have better years in soccer.  He is only three. 

 Park fun time.  Today the kids and I went to the park.  They played very nice and then later we went to the pet store.  Our goldfish didn't make it and so now we are trying ONE betta fish.  The kids agreed on a blue one and I hope we can keep this fish alive this time.

We also celebrated Robb's birthday.  The kids were pretty excited about his ice cream cake and were happy to present him with the cake and a song!  We love our daddy!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Science Center Trip

 Mirrors that made us look funny
 A machine that made funny sounds...Emmy pretended to be a DJ.  She was serious about her work!
 Bobby didn't stop to read directions since he was more excited about hitting all the buttons, switches, etc.
Heat made handprints stand out.  I was happy to see how curious and excited the kids were at the Science Center.  We definitely have to go back here again this summer

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Birthday selfie!

My birthday was this week and I am 35 years young.  We didn't have any huge celebration but it was a fabulous birthday.  I got to spend the day with the kids going to different parks where they played, pretended to play house and were just plain happy.  My husband gave me a sweet card, my mom brought over ice cream cupcakes and bought me some comfy pajamas.  Emmy picked me out blue sparkle nail polish and a blue scarf.  She insisted this would be what I wanted since blue and sparkles are my favorite!  The kids sang to me, gave me lots of hugs.  It was a blessed day as this entire year has been.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Cassidy's shower

My cousin Cassidy is getting married and my mom threw a shower at her house.  Emmy and I came and of course she insisted on dressing up fancy.  We wore our matching necklaces - Best Friends.  Emmy was very sweet, well behaved and as always I was very proud of my girl.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Kids adventures at the ranch and parents Duluth race/vacay/work trip

This past weekend Robb and I took off to do site visits, spend time together and then run Grandma's half marathon race in Duluth MN.  Grandpa Kelly and Grandma Launa took the kids to the ranch.  There they made best friends with their pet cow Rocky.  They played in the river/mud and both drove the tractor with grandpa.  They loved their time there and in our daily phone calls I had to convince them they must come home to their mommy who missed them.  They told me they missed me but loved being at the ranch more.  Grandma Launa took the grocery shopping and bought food they like and they were well taken care of.  Grandpa Kelly snuggled with Bobby before bedtime and Grandma comforted him when he woke up crying for me due to a nightmare.  I sure missed them as did Robb.....all of the things we bought were for the kids and they were on our minds constantly.  My race was not a huge success.  45 degrees, foggy and rainy with flash flooding warnings.  We were in beautiful Duluth (so we heard) but never saw Lake Superior since there was no visibility due to fog.  I've never experienced fog like that.  We had lots of stressful driving moments where the fog and hard rain made it impossible to see.  The weather was so cold that we were bundled up and I had to leave on the bus to the start line at 4:20 only to get dropped off at 6:10 (five minutes before the race).  The drive wasn't that long but two bus changes and several stops along the way delayed us.  I did not get to stop in to the bathroom and had to stop twice along the race route.  I was soaked, tired and not very happy at the finish line.  I will likely never do this race again but I am happy that this body got me through another half!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

While Emmy was away.....

Emmy was busy having a great time with her grandparents and cousin and so I wanted to make sure Bobby enjoyed his alone time with mommy.  I told him he could do whatever he wanted one afternoon while Emmy was gone and at first he chose "no nap!" I clarified for him him that we would skip napping and that he could pick what we did instead.  He wanted to go to the water park.  He splashed with kids twice his age (he splashed them and they tolerated him), rode with me in the raging river inner tube ride and played with the big water guns.  We stopped for snacks a couple times.  He loved riding waves and pretending to fall off the inner tube.  We had a great time together and I think he felt pretty special.  It is nice to have some one on one time with each of my little honeys.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day

Emmy and Andrew left with their grandparents today to go on their big adventure vacay.  It was father's day and so we gave Robb his cards and gifts, went to brunch with Grandpa Kelly, Grandpa Arlo, Grandma Launa, Grandma Pearl.  Bobby ate 3 pickles, bacon, sausage (2 kinds), French toast.  Then he picked out a slice of blueberry cheesecake for himself.  He was like the hungry little caterpillar.  Then I took him grocery shopping with me.  He is such a good little helper and I love to bring him with.  He actually really likes to come along with me and it has become our tradition now.  Robb in the mean time prepped for a fishing trip and when we got home the boys went fishing.  Bobby/Robb caught their first fish together!!  The only thing that would have made the day better was if Emmy could've been there and unfortunately she got a headache on her trip and spent most of the afternoon sleeping.  At least she had grandma's TLC and her mommy texting and calling every 15 minutes!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Safety Village graduation

Robb and I along with Bob and Candy attended Emmy's Safety Village graduation and performance.  The kids did skits, sang songs about safety and then walked through to get their diploma.  Emmy was excited to see all of us and kept waving, blowing kisses and I heard her tell her friend next to her, "Hey, that is my mommy" while pointing at me.  She was so cute up there and animated.  She was in the train skit.  We were proud of our friendly, cute, sweet little Emmy.

Yesterday I took the kids to the park and Emmy ran right over to a little girl with red hair and said, "I just love your pretty red hair!" the girl thanked her and then Emmy said,"Hi, nice to meet you I am Emmy!" and they became fast friends. I told Emmy later that I really liked how she complimented her new friend and that starting out with a nice compliment is a great way to make a new friend.  She told me that yes, she knew this!

A busy week

Emmy got to go to the Dinosaur show at the Civic center with Mason, Carden, Grandma Launa, Aunt Stacy.  Bobby hasn't been behaving very good this week.  He pretended to shoot at school and then while going to the bathroom along he ran out naked.  His teacher told us that he was "streaking" which we thought was pretty funny since that word is usually reserved for perverted old men not toddler boys who don't totally understand why being naked is a faux paus.  He flooded the bathroom at school as well and so he had to stay home. It wasn't all bad since Robb took him fishing later while Emmy was at the dino show.

 I took the kids to a movie this week as well.  Emmy was an angel and yet again Bobby was a challenge.  He wanted to move, run, jump and basically do anything but watch the movie.  He told me he had to go poddy but after the third trip I was certain it was a ploy to get up and leave the theatre.
Emmy's grandma Launa bought her a new suit and she wanted to dance in it.  Here she is doing a "swim move"

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Soccer studs!

The kids played soccer inside last night since it was raining.  Bobby gets special attention because he usually kicks his ball out of bounds and into other gyms.  Emmy is showing off some great skills this year and she follows directions very well.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A picture to remember me by

Emmy has been asking me if she can bring a picture of me with her to school all week.  She told me she would keep it in her cubby and when she misses me she would go get it and look at it and remember how much she loves me.  Today she reminded me of how we needed to get a picture so we picked out one of her and I from a trip to Florida we took two years ago.  Words cannot express how much I love my little best friend....and I think she loves me too!