Friday, June 6, 2014

Carnival time

 I took the kids to the carnival this week.  It was just the three of us and I was nervous that Emmy would be sitting on some rides by herself since Bobby isn't tall enough to ride solo.  She did want to sit by me but when I explained why she had to go by herself she was the big girl I knew she could be and had a great time.  Here she is on the roller coaster.  She saw the kids in front of her with their arms up and so she joined in.
Here is my seat partner.  He is very brave and loved getting thrown around...I on the other hand could have done without the jostling.  I felt pretty old and the kids were really sweet and limited the spinning on the rides for their old mom so she wouldn't get queasy.

Turns out their was one ride Emmy was TOO tall for, the bounce house.  This was a hard one for her but luckily there was a fun house with a slide right next to the bounce house and Emmy did that instead.  The fun house had a mirrored path that you had to navigate through.  Emmy got smart and put her arms in front of her to check that it was an opening for the path and not a mirror or glass wall....Bobby just tried to run right through the glass wall and he face planted a few times.

 Another fun ride was the lightning Mcqueen racers.  They really liked that one as it spun you around the corner fast.  They also liked the frog jumper.  Emmy at first told me she was afraid of heights.  Then we went on the ferris wheel as a family and she got over her fears and told me she was ready for the jumper!

We also rode in some trucks and I was put in the back seat like the kids usually are so they could drive the vehicle.  Then it was time for the train and the kids took turn sitting next to the bell and rang it every time they came around to where I was standing.  This was the only ride I didn't have to ride with the kids on and I enjoyed being a bystander.

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