Sunday, June 22, 2014

Kids adventures at the ranch and parents Duluth race/vacay/work trip

This past weekend Robb and I took off to do site visits, spend time together and then run Grandma's half marathon race in Duluth MN.  Grandpa Kelly and Grandma Launa took the kids to the ranch.  There they made best friends with their pet cow Rocky.  They played in the river/mud and both drove the tractor with grandpa.  They loved their time there and in our daily phone calls I had to convince them they must come home to their mommy who missed them.  They told me they missed me but loved being at the ranch more.  Grandma Launa took the grocery shopping and bought food they like and they were well taken care of.  Grandpa Kelly snuggled with Bobby before bedtime and Grandma comforted him when he woke up crying for me due to a nightmare.  I sure missed them as did Robb.....all of the things we bought were for the kids and they were on our minds constantly.  My race was not a huge success.  45 degrees, foggy and rainy with flash flooding warnings.  We were in beautiful Duluth (so we heard) but never saw Lake Superior since there was no visibility due to fog.  I've never experienced fog like that.  We had lots of stressful driving moments where the fog and hard rain made it impossible to see.  The weather was so cold that we were bundled up and I had to leave on the bus to the start line at 4:20 only to get dropped off at 6:10 (five minutes before the race).  The drive wasn't that long but two bus changes and several stops along the way delayed us.  I did not get to stop in to the bathroom and had to stop twice along the race route.  I was soaked, tired and not very happy at the finish line.  I will likely never do this race again but I am happy that this body got me through another half!

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