Friday, June 13, 2014

A busy week

Emmy got to go to the Dinosaur show at the Civic center with Mason, Carden, Grandma Launa, Aunt Stacy.  Bobby hasn't been behaving very good this week.  He pretended to shoot at school and then while going to the bathroom along he ran out naked.  His teacher told us that he was "streaking" which we thought was pretty funny since that word is usually reserved for perverted old men not toddler boys who don't totally understand why being naked is a faux paus.  He flooded the bathroom at school as well and so he had to stay home. It wasn't all bad since Robb took him fishing later while Emmy was at the dino show.

 I took the kids to a movie this week as well.  Emmy was an angel and yet again Bobby was a challenge.  He wanted to move, run, jump and basically do anything but watch the movie.  He told me he had to go poddy but after the third trip I was certain it was a ploy to get up and leave the theatre.
Emmy's grandma Launa bought her a new suit and she wanted to dance in it.  Here she is doing a "swim move"

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