Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Bobby is a hoopster

While Robb is coaching Emmy and her team I am attempting to help Bobby.  He is the littlest one out on the court but he sure works hard.  He has a hard time paying attention for an hour and so sometimes my work is simply keeping him focused on listening but I also pass the ball with him and this week I taught him how to shoot.  That little guy got the ball up there from each side of the hoop and from the directly in front and made 3 baskets.  He (and I) were SO EXCITED.  His coach even said..."Bobby, who are you today making all these baskets?"  He yelled over to me - "Mom, I made the basket because I was paying attention!"  As I stated before, mostly I am telling him to pay attention to his coach and so this has become our mantra in basketball.  The next time up he didn't make the basket and he yelled over to me "Mom, you forgot to tell me how far down to bend"  I guess it was all my fault and so I promised to give him more direction for his next turn to shoot.  He had been squatting so low to the ground that all his energy was spent by the time he was jumping so I had taught him to not squat so far and I would direct him by saying lower or too low until he was positioned for success and ready to shoot.  We had fun and it is great to have the special time with Bobby.  He played in his first game last weekend and I took a few pics.

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