Monday, April 27, 2015

Play dates

Emmy had her BFF Lauren over for a play date yesterday.  The girls and I baked cookies (and ate them) in her easy bake oven and then they played dress up, shopkins, dolls and just had a great time.  Bobby invited his cousin Mason over.  They played video games together, watched transformers and when Mason decided he didn't want to play with Bobby or the girls Bobby then played with the girls.  He plays with a lot of girls that are his friends at school and Emmy is used to him joining in so Robb and I watched them play that Bobby was the hero saving the girls, then he was the bad guy trying to catch the girls......there was a lot of screaming and roaring.  Every once in a while Mason would join in and it was funny to see what they came up with.  At one point Mason was "mind controlling" Bobby to be a bad guy but the girls wanted Bobby to resist so he could be their hero again.  It was a fun, noisy time but I think every kid enjoyed it.  Sometimes Emmy can be very demanding on her brother and she started yelling at him.  Robb intervened and asked that Emmy be nicer to her little brother.  Lauren said, "Yes, Emmy be nice to Bobby he is just a kid"  and when Robb thanked her she told him that she is very good at solving problems.  We also had more basketball games this past weekend.  Bobby's first game and he probably spent more time running over to say things to me then actually playing in his game.  Both kids are improving their skills, getting great exercise and enjoying their time.  It is fun to watch them out there working hard.  Last night when Bobby and I are doing prayers he prayed for me.  I asked him why are you so sweet and always remember to pray for me?  He told me it is because I am the most important person to him and he loves me.  I have the sweetest little people that I get to call my kids.

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