Thursday, July 21, 2016

Bobby loses his first tooth!

Bobby came running into my bedroom yesterday to show me that his loose tooth was bleeding.  I looked in his mouth and noted that the tooth was basically just hanging there!  I asked if I could pull it for him and he readily agreed and after one little tug up that tooth popped right out!  Bobby was EXCITED and very happy.  He was so proud and the tooth fairy left his a note and 4$.  I can't believe he is old enough for losing baby teeth and it just is another reminder that I am losing my baby........insert tears here.  I love how brave and tough he is though and how thrilled he is about growing into this big boy he has become in the past year.  I love his new smile too.

Believe it or not the above picture is not even ALL of the kids we had in the pool yesterday.  The heat index was 110 degrees and so the pool was the popular place to be.  The kids had a great time and everyone played very nice together.  Heather is convinced Emmy is a future cheerleader and since she already chose cheerleader for her Halloween costume I think that may be the path she in on (note the pose again as she jumps in pool).  Bobby got down into a starting position to run into the pool.  He was a little behind the group in his timing.

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