Thursday, July 14, 2016

Girls Trip!!!

 Emmy, Grandma and I were in Florida this past week for our Girl's trip and we had the best time!!
 Emmy was interested in any fountain we passed by and wanted lots of posing opportunities.
 We did some shopping.  Grandpa had given Emmy some spending money and she was a great bargain shopper.  She spent her money wisely (see pugs and kisses shirt) on items she was in love with.  She also budgeted for gifts for her brother and wrote some very thoughtful thank you cards for her grandparents who made this wonderful trip possible.

 These Koi fish tried to bite Emmy's fingers....they definitely thought she had food to feed them.  Emmy got a real kick out of it.

 We made time to do everything Emmy requested - arcade games, movie, dinners, beach, posing time for pictures, cuddle time, Sky Zone......lots of quality time with just us girls
 Thunderstorms occurred every night and one evening as we were watching "The Real Life of Pets" the movie turned off.  It took 10 minutes to get it back on and we had to backtrack a bit but we still watched our 3D movie.  The patience was a challenge for our Emmy though!

 We also went to an ice cream shop where the used liquid nitrogen to freeze whatever ice cream creation you wanted.  Emmy gave it a thumbs up and it was definitely unique!

 Emmy and I spent an afternoon at Sky Zone where we jumped on the trampolines.  She loved it and I had a great time too!  Later she joined in on dodge ball where the kids playing were ages 5-15.  She was always one of the last to get out and even became the last one on her team to get out in one game playing against a huge teenage kid.  Her skill was dodging and not necessarily the throwing of the balls.  I was proud of how into the game she was!

The last dinner we enjoyed on the beach.  Emmy found a sand dollar and some shells. 

On the way back home Emmy had her dad's favorite pizza.  She wanted me to send him a picture to show him what she was eating.

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