Saturday, July 16, 2016

Park, Soccer, Cherry Berry

Bobby and Emmy are so happy to be together again.  Our little summer fun team is back after having our boy's and girl's time and the kids were so excited to be playing together again.  There were a lot of hugs and kisses.  After soccer I told the kids we could get frozen yogurt to celebrate how aggressive and tough they played soccer.  Since Bobby was brave and strong and got back out on the field after being kicked in the neck and tripped during a scrimmage I let him choose.  He chose Cherry Berry and I asked him why he would choose that place since Orange Leaf is my favorite and his as well.  He said that he looked at Emmy's face when we were considering options and saw that she really wanted Cherry Berry and he just wanted her to be happy.  I couldn't deny that request even though it was not on our way home.

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