Wednesday, July 27, 2016

More fun to be had

 Emmy got dressed up for a birthday party that included a limo ride.  She wanted to get dressed up and fancy!

Emmy had her last softball game of the season.  Bobby cheered her on for a while but then found a friend and headed to the park.  At the park he found sticks he made into weapons.  I called him over to remind him not to pretend to shoot at his friends and he asked very innocently - "OK, well can I ax my friends?"

We went to Raging Rivers on hot day this week.  I couldn't keep up with the kids well enough to take pictures but it was a milestone day since Emmy got to ride down the big slides for the first time ever.  She went along with her cousin Mason and Bobby headed over to the other part of the park.  Grandma and I struggled to supervise them all but we managed.  They had a great time.

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