Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Gabriel's baptism

Last Sunday we went to Baby Gabriel's baptism. Bobby and I tried to match up our outfits so we could represent the family well. Bobby and I ate some snacks and later moved into the nursery to play with the toys. Baby Gabe was a very good boy during his baptism and I enjoyed seeing my grandparents and cousin Andrew. I had a rough exit from church since I really wanted to stay and play longer in the nursery with the toys they had there. Mom was not happy with me but she did forgive me after I apologized for my bad behavior and gave her some extra hugs and kisses.

Decorating for Xmas!

Mom, Bobby, Dad and I decorated our house for Xmas. We put up a beautiful Xmas tree. Mom even had some gifts ready to put under our tree. I helped her hang the ornaments and tinsel. I was SOOOO excited about decorating and it really was a great time by all. Mom and I have been singing Xmas songs every day now in the car. We are getting into the spirit. Every day I ask mom and dad if it is Xmas yet and I am very aware that on Xmas I get to open gifts from Santa. I am a good girl and am working hard on trying not to be naughty.

Dad and I love to share

Sometimes I just don't even realize that I am hungry until I see dad eating his snack...then I tell him, "Dad, I want that!" It isn't that I want a piece of pizza or a slice of bagel of my own...no, really what I want is that exact piece or slice that dad has in his hand. Dad really loves me so he usually gives me what I want. I always remember to let him have a few bites of the snack that originally was his. I make sure to make lots of noises (Mmmm, ahhhh, nummm) to let dad know how good his snack is while I am eating it. I steal Bobby's snacks too...but of course I ask him if he will share with me first. Bobby always says yes to me too! Mom thinks this is especially funny since Bobby doesn't talk yet.........

My first movie experience!

Here is a picture of dad going through the movie times on his phone with my new best friends. We picked out a great movie to go to together.

Thanksgiving 2011

This year Grandma and Grandpa M were in Florida with Chad, Stacy and Mason so
it was just my family, Great Grandma M and the Groetken families. We had a great time. I had some new best friends in Olivia, Madi, Katie and Bobby really enjoyed some extra attention as well. Last week the stomach flu went through our household. Bobby threw up on mom many times when dad was on his guy's trip to Vegas, but eventually we all felt better in time for Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Mom and I take a shopping trip

Yesterday mom and I went to Hallmark so I could pick out a special ornament for the Xmas tree this year. I told mom I wanted to get a Belle (from Beauty and the Beast) ornament and was in luck! There she was just waiting for me to bring her home. I had a conversation with Belle on the way home explaining that she would live with me now. I also asked mom if I could pick out an ornament for Bobby this year since he is too little to do it for himself. She said yes and so we picked him out an ornament that we could put his picture in since this is his first real Xmas experience with us this year. I was so excited to give it to him when we got home again. Mom and I had a great time shopping together. We always tell each other that we are Best Friends and both of us just like to be together. I often ask mom to "cuddle up" with me on the couch and hold me tight. The other night I told mom I wanted her to hold me on the couch and watch a show with me so "I could enjoy her." Mom always agrees to some special Emmy time because she says it makes her so happy to love up Bobby and me.

Emerson's first movie

Today I went to my first movie at the theater. Dad, mom and I took Maddie and Katie to "Puss in boots." Mom brought me special snacks and I was just totally into the movie. I laughed at the funny parts with my "friends" and often times wanted to discuss with mom, Maddie or Katie parts of the movie but I was told talking was not allowed. It was a great experience for all. At the end mom and dad asked me if I liked the movie and I told them, "I just really LOVED it!" I also saw a poster hanging up for a 3D version of Beauty and the Beast which is my new favorite movie and now I can't wait until mom and dad take me to that movie. Bobbie stayed home with his friend Katelynn and they had a fun time too.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Can you put Chubster down?

Lately my mom kind of gets on my dad's case regarding things he says to me that I like to copy. Most of these things are made up words that has caused me and my dad to have our own special language that no one else uses. Sockies (socks), kissie (kiss).....lots of words that dad puts a y or ie at the end of usually make up our language. Yesterday mom, Bobby and I greeted dad at the door. Mom and I practiced the greeting. She told me and I did say to dad, "Welcome home, my dad!" but when we practiced I would sometimes get confused and say, "Get out of our home dad!".....mom said I shouldn't make a mistake and say that or dad would get the wrong impression. Dad has nicknames for Bobby and I. When dad got home he picked up Bobby and told him he was a chubster. I wanted dad's attention so I told him, "Dad, put down the chubster, come into the living room so I can play and jump on top of you!" My parents thought this was pretty funny. I like to eat Bobby's treats and play with his toys. I always remember to ask him nicely first if he will share with me...he ALWAYS says yes (at least that is what I hear and then report back to mom and dad.)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Me and my shadow...Bobby Eckert

Bobby is like a shadow I can't get rid of. I am sometimes annoyed by how much my little brother loves me and wants to be with me. Over the past weekend it seemed like he was either right next to me or trying to get mom to pick him up by climbing up her pant leg and saying, "mamamamamamamama!" Sometimes I would ask mom to come take Bobby away from me so I could get some personal space. I was a little naughty and mom put me into time out and Bobby came right on over to time out too and cried along with me until mom took me (and also him) out of the time out spot.

I like to be mom's shadow since I tell her that she and I look alike and I am a girl just like she is! Mom was lecturing dad on his bad influence on us kids with his choice of meal and snack options. He was eating fried bacon, fried eggs and fried hashbrowns. I saw him eating and decided that I love bacon now too! Mom was telling him it wasn't funny since dad was laughing at me telling everyone, "I LOVE bacon!" and I decided to get in on the lecturing too by telling dad, "Robert, mommy is NOT joking about you eating bacon." I was really just quoting my mom. Sometimes I like to call daddy Robert...really that is his name. I like that we are all Eckerts. I told Mason last week that he is a Moldenpower but mom, Bob, dad and I are all Eckerts! Mom and I packed up my suitcase yesterday so I could go out to the ranch with my grandparents who are leaving for Florida soon! I sure will miss them!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Mom took me to the Disney Princess show!

Aunt Stacy got us all great seats to the Disney princess show this past weekend. Mom and I went and I LOVED IT! My favorite part was the times when Mickey, Minnie, Donald and Goofy came out to help tell the princess stories. I really wanted Minnie to stay out the entire show and was upset at times when she went back stage. I kept yelling out for her but she didn't answer me - mom said this was because she had to help put on the show for everyone. At intermission mom let me pick out one special gift and I wanted a stuffed Minnie mouse doll. I've been sleeping with her every night since the show. On the way home I kept asking mom if we could go again tomorrow so I could "sit back and enjoy" another show. Mom said Minnie had to go home and rest.
Later on during bath I got in trouble with my parents. They both scolded me and so I asked them both to "Please be happy, guys!" Lately whenever I get into trouble I ask my mom and dad to "Just be happy and smile again" I guess I think this gets me off the hook when I am naughty. One the way to daycare last week I decided to confess something naughty I did to mommy. I told her, "Mommy I put my finger in your smelly lotion and then wiped it all over your fancy towel....then I said HOORAY!" Mom looked like she may laugh. Last week I also got a little confused with something that dad said. He told me he could see my butt crack out of my pants. I got pretty upset about that and told mom, "OH NO mommy my butt is cracked!!"
Also - if I haven't told you already Bobby has been busy too. He is standing on his own for a few seconds and he has a big tooth and more on the way. He is a big boy. We went to Kane Bear's year old party and Bobby was hanging with the one year olds. The kids that were his age are only sitting independently and so he is really far ahead with his motor skills. I'm sure it is because he is trying to keep up with me.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I loved Halloween this year. Bobby and dressed up in our costumes for daycare and for trick or treating. Mom and I were kitties! We visited Aunt Tony and Grandma Launa and got special presents! Aunt Stacy and Amber got us special presents too! Then Mason picked me up in his gator and we went to houses trick-or-treating. I loved every minute of it!! We took turns ringing the doorbell and then yelled "trick or treat!" then we always remembered our thanks yous. I also mixed it up with a "Gracias!" now and then. I saw lots of other costumes around our neighborhood and later on Grandma and Grandpa Eckert visited us and brought special gifts!! It was such a fun night. Mom gave me a piggy back ride home when I got tired and then I helped dad hand out candy to people who came to our house.

Tongue tattoos and Grandma's shopping cart

Here is a picture of me showing off my tongue. Mom got me some tongue tattoos and I proudly wore them last weekend. Bobby and I planned to go visit Great Grandma M for her birthday but then Bobby took a nap so just mommy and I went. We brought a cake Grandma Launa made and I had cake and ice cream. While we were there I played with this shopping cart and then asked grandma M if I could borrow it. Bobby and I have been shopping ever since. It is difficult for me to share with him but I try hard!

Last day of gymnastics class

Last weekend we went to the last gymnastics class for a while. I loved playing with the parachute. I listened so well and I've learned so many new tricks. I can walk on the balance beam without help now! I can climb and do sommersaults on my own too! I thanked my teachers for a fun time and mom says we will sign up again soon!

Bobby can do it himself

Bobby likes to feed himself bottles now. Mom wishes he would stay a baby and let her do it, but he is growing up fast! He cruises the furniture and walks when you hold his hands - all at almost 8 months old!!