Monday, November 14, 2011

Me and my shadow...Bobby Eckert

Bobby is like a shadow I can't get rid of. I am sometimes annoyed by how much my little brother loves me and wants to be with me. Over the past weekend it seemed like he was either right next to me or trying to get mom to pick him up by climbing up her pant leg and saying, "mamamamamamamama!" Sometimes I would ask mom to come take Bobby away from me so I could get some personal space. I was a little naughty and mom put me into time out and Bobby came right on over to time out too and cried along with me until mom took me (and also him) out of the time out spot.

I like to be mom's shadow since I tell her that she and I look alike and I am a girl just like she is! Mom was lecturing dad on his bad influence on us kids with his choice of meal and snack options. He was eating fried bacon, fried eggs and fried hashbrowns. I saw him eating and decided that I love bacon now too! Mom was telling him it wasn't funny since dad was laughing at me telling everyone, "I LOVE bacon!" and I decided to get in on the lecturing too by telling dad, "Robert, mommy is NOT joking about you eating bacon." I was really just quoting my mom. Sometimes I like to call daddy Robert...really that is his name. I like that we are all Eckerts. I told Mason last week that he is a Moldenpower but mom, Bob, dad and I are all Eckerts! Mom and I packed up my suitcase yesterday so I could go out to the ranch with my grandparents who are leaving for Florida soon! I sure will miss them!

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