Thursday, November 17, 2011

Can you put Chubster down?

Lately my mom kind of gets on my dad's case regarding things he says to me that I like to copy. Most of these things are made up words that has caused me and my dad to have our own special language that no one else uses. Sockies (socks), kissie (kiss).....lots of words that dad puts a y or ie at the end of usually make up our language. Yesterday mom, Bobby and I greeted dad at the door. Mom and I practiced the greeting. She told me and I did say to dad, "Welcome home, my dad!" but when we practiced I would sometimes get confused and say, "Get out of our home dad!" said I shouldn't make a mistake and say that or dad would get the wrong impression. Dad has nicknames for Bobby and I. When dad got home he picked up Bobby and told him he was a chubster. I wanted dad's attention so I told him, "Dad, put down the chubster, come into the living room so I can play and jump on top of you!" My parents thought this was pretty funny. I like to eat Bobby's treats and play with his toys. I always remember to ask him nicely first if he will share with me...he ALWAYS says yes (at least that is what I hear and then report back to mom and dad.)

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