Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I loved Halloween this year. Bobby and dressed up in our costumes for daycare and for trick or treating. Mom and I were kitties! We visited Aunt Tony and Grandma Launa and got special presents! Aunt Stacy and Amber got us special presents too! Then Mason picked me up in his gator and we went to houses trick-or-treating. I loved every minute of it!! We took turns ringing the doorbell and then yelled "trick or treat!" then we always remembered our thanks yous. I also mixed it up with a "Gracias!" now and then. I saw lots of other costumes around our neighborhood and later on Grandma and Grandpa Eckert visited us and brought special gifts!! It was such a fun night. Mom gave me a piggy back ride home when I got tired and then I helped dad hand out candy to people who came to our house.

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