Sunday, December 11, 2011

Bobby reaches another milestone

Bobby is taking some steps now and getting up to stand without holding on to things. He is not actually "walking" but he is moving around pretty great. He also is getting a tooth in on the top of his gums to go along with the two on the bottom. This past weekend mom was out of town for a conference so I spent a couple days with Grandma and Grandpa Moldenhaer and Cousin Mason at the ranch. I rode on the tractor with Grandpa, played hard with Mason, baked cookies with Grandma, read books with Great Grandma M, played and petted the kitties and made friends with the cows. Later on this weekend Grandma took Mason and I to the Elks Christmas party to meet Santa. I sat on Santa's lap and gave him a hug and also told him what I wanted for Christmas. Then I got my face painted and a balloon animal made for me. Mason and I ate lots of fried popcorn shrimp and garlic toasts too. Dad brought Bobby at the end of our time there once he was up from his nap. We were all happy when mom came back home but I think she was the most happy to see us all again. Mom gave me a special letter from Santa that he wrote to me. It talked about the Care Bears and my wish list. It talked about how proud Santa was that I was now using the potty and that I was a big sister to Bobby. It even mentioned mommy! The letter came with special reindeer food and an ornament. I can't wait to feed Santa's reindeer the food on Xmas Eve!

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