Saturday, December 17, 2011

A fun Saturday

Today was a great day. Mom and I went to open gym at the gymnastics academy where I take lessons. It was a blast! I saw my teacher there and gave her a big hug. For one full hour mom and I played whatever I wanted to play. I still remembered some of my old tricks. I have been attached at the hip to my mom lately and have taken on some of her mannerisms too. I like to tilt my head and say, "Weellllll....." while I am considering things. I also like to answer with a "Yep!" like my mom does. I also tell mom often that I love her and that she makes me so happy. She tells me this same thing too. Sometimes I ask my mom if she would like to cuddle and she always says yes!

Later on today dad and I put up some forts in the living room. He made me an awesome fort. Bobby was busy today too. He is now the proud owner of 4 teeth. 2 on the top and 2 on the bottom. He loves to play with all the toys we have but especially likes to crumple up paper, shake paper.....and eat paper.

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