Saturday, August 3, 2013

A fun Saturday morning for us ladies

 Since Bobby was sick we had two less runners for the family fun run.  I had planned on defending my win from last year's Guatemala River run but Emmy did not want to miss the race.  Therefore we changed the plan and she and I ran the 10K (I pushed the jog stroller).  We listened to Disney tunes and she had a snack along the way.  We started way in the back since I thought that we would be slower than the racers but Emmy got such a kick out of passing people that she motivated me to run fast.  Every time we passed someone she would yell, "Yay Mommy, congratulations!!!"  We ended up passing all the lady runners and most of the men!  We finished the 10K in 48 minutes and that is with pausing at the start to make sure we had our tunes figured out.  When we got about 200 yards from the finish line I told Emmy to get out and we ran another 100 yards holding hands.  Then I told her that she should race ahead of me and get first (and beat her mom).  She loved that and also enjoyed the cheering the students did for her as she crossed the finish line.  She chatted their ears off for a while and I showed some of the students a video of Bobby singing since he couldn't be there to show off his personality.  My kids are just my whole life!
After the race, Emmy and I went to the BisMarket in the park and she jumped in a bounce house and played for a good 45 minutes.  Then we went to Capital Affair where she and I walked around and had a great time checking all the crafts and food out.  Emmy picked out some hair barrettes (she's wearing them in the picture), ate some roasted almonds, found a big hair bow she loved and then picked out balloon yo yos for her and for Bobby.  Then we headed to the food court where she got to pick one treat and she chose the sno cone.  She was really enjoying it while we waited for some fire roasted pizzas to take back to our guys Bobby and Robb.  She made some new friends while sitting and eating her sno cone and was chatting up these senior citizens like they had known each other forever.  When one of them commented to me that Emmy was not shy, Emmy launched into a story about a friend she has that was shy at first.  Emmy said being shy is okay and that after a while this friend started to really like Emmy which is how they became such good friends.  Emmy had quite an audience of captive listeners by the time we left.  I just enjoy our time together so much. 

Later on Emmy went to Gabriel's birthday while Bobby and I stayed home.  Robb was home with us for a while before he headed to the party since Bob and Candy had taken Emmy early.  Bobby and Robb were played and Robb was ticking Bobby.  "Mommy, come and save your baby bumblebee!" Bobby started yelling for me.  We always call each other 'my little baby bumble bee' but to hear him call for me in that way was so funny!  He had moments where he had energy but nap time was him crying that his ears, tongue hurt.  He layed in my lap all day and just was not himself.  Emmy and I said a prayer tonight that Bobby will feel better.

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