Monday, August 12, 2013

Robb's first 10K!

I talked Robb into running a 10K with me. He's only been training for a month and he didn't stop to walk even one time during the race.  We ran the race in 57 minutes!  The course was a lot of hills which is also really tough.  We met up with my aunt Cathy and cousin Cheyenne at the race as well and Cathy took these pictures.  The kids were at the finish line with Bob and Candy holding up a sign and looking very cute in their track suits.  They were so excited to see us and I was super excited to see them (I am actually waving to them in one of the pictures).

 Here I am trying to encourage Robb to finish strong!
 Here we are getting ready to start

Waving to our fans......cute little kids that were waving to us

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