Thursday, August 8, 2013

I was changing Bobby's diaper and I thanked him for sitting so still and being a good boy.  He put his little hands on his hips and said in a deep voice, "Just doing our jobs mom."  Later on he got after my computer pushing buttons on it to the point where it was really messed up.  I started scolding him and put him in time out but he was smiling at me and almost laughing.  Not really taking me seriously.  So I scolded him a little louder and emphasized that he would be staying in time out.  Then he started crying that he didn't want to be in time out.  During this episode, Emmy came up behind me and started yelling out to me, "Mom, just make sure to tell him you will still love him,"  I tried to ignore this to focus on Bobby but she kept repeating this over and over again until I had to ask her to stop.  When I scold her it is always really important to her that she know that I still love her very much and so I always must say this to her during her time out or reprimand. The difference is that she takes me seriously and feels bad when she is naughty whereas Bobby just waits me out so he can go back to doing whatever he got into trouble for again.

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