Monday, September 8, 2014

A long week without our dad

Robb was gone this week as he took a road trip to Texas with my brother to go to an auction.  The kids and I had some help getting to school on time from my mom and Bob and Candy.  They took Bobby to school for me so I could concentrate on Emmy.  She likes for me to walk with her to the playground the couple blocks from where I park.  I enjoy this too and so it is a great way for me to send her off.  She lets me give her hugs and kisses and we wish each other a good work/school day.  Today on the way she said, "Mommy, in case I forget to tell you at Centennial - have a great day at work!"  She had her extra fancy folders in her back pack and I asked her if I should take them out of there since she didn't need them for school.  She told me that she wanted to keep them in her backpack because they are beautiful and she looks at them during the day since they remind her of me.  She may be the sweetest little girl in the world. Today she asked for a braided bun and changed her pants 4 times and so maybe a bit of a fashion diva as well.  The weather was great over the weekend and so the kids and I swam, and swam and swam some more.  They asked me to take videos of their creative jumps into the pool.  Emmy has really impressed me with her swimming and she now dives down to the bottom and can pick things up and do hand stands.   I spoiled them a bit too and last night made two dinners per each kid's request.  Robb was home by midnight and the kids were very excited to have their daddy back again (as was I)!

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