Tuesday, September 2, 2014

First day of Kindergarten and Pre-K

Emmy and Bobby started school today.  It was Emmy's first day at Centennial Elementary in Mrs. Vollmers class.  She was SOOO excited and she picked out her pink outfit and hairstyle (crown braid).  She was very ready for this to happen and we were excited for her.  Bobby starts Pre-K and must go to school without his big sister.  He did pretty well with this.  Emmy, Robb and I waited outside for the bell to ring and then we escorted her in there together.  She had some big smiles for her teacher when her teacher greeted her.  She took some pictures with us and then saw her friend and began ignoring us.  We got her attention long enough to say good bye and then that was it.  I held it together and held Robb's hand out to the car.  Then I shed a few tears in honor of my big girl growing up too fast.  Emmy and I wore our forever friends necklaces that make a heart when put together and so I am going to be thinking of her all day.  I can't believe how fast this time has flown by but I am certain that we've filled it with the best memories and times together that we could.  God has been so very good to us all and he has blessed us with lots of time together.  Emmy is confident, outgoing and happy and I have complete faith that today will be a fantastic day for her.  Bobby is very independent as well and enjoys his school and so I know he will have a great first day without Emmy there.  Today is also Grandma Launa's birthday and my parent's anniversary.  My mom stopped by and delivered the nicest flowers already today.  She is so thoughtful and we plan to have cake and give her gifts after school today which will be a fun way to celebrate!

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