Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Mini Marathon Training

Bobby went to Grandma and Grandpa Eckert's house last night and Emmy and I went to the Mini Marathon training that the 3rd year PT students put together.  It was a beautiful night and the students did such a great job planning fun kid activities.  The kids played games and ran laps where they earned colored rubber bands (Emmy was excited to earn every color - 7 bands).  She gave me high fives as she ran by each time.  I also was so happy to watch how Emmy makes new friends.  She came and sat down by a new girl and told her, "Oh my gosh, I just LOVE your shirt.  Ever after high is my favorite!"  The girl told her she has a back pack and other shirts with those character so Emmy said, "I plan to come to this training each week and so I would like to see your back pack and shirts next time."  They carried on their conversation from there but I was so proud to see how sweet, outgoing and friendly Emmy is to new people.

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