Sunday, September 28, 2014

Guatemala family fun run

 All the Eckerts participate in the Guatemala fundraiser family 1 mile.  The kids wanted to wear the shirts they got for the race.  We took off on our mile run and Bobby took an early lead.  This of course made the competitive Emerson very upset and Bobby and I were forced to slow to a stop to allow for dad and daughter to catch up.  Part of the reason they were so behind is my little animal lover insisted on petting every dog that walked by with their owner.  She cannot lose though and so I held Bobby back and encouraged Emmy to run to the finish.  She did win but I think Bobby would have taken this race had I not rigged it a bit.  In the end Bobby wanted to cross with me holding my hand and Emmy wanted to beat us all and did so with her arms up in the air.

The kids were pretty excited about the post race snacks.....chips and Cheetos.  They don't get those much at home and so they both devoured their snacks and had orange hands and mouths on the way home.  We had a great time supporting the students as a family.

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