Friday, June 3, 2016

Emmy has been journaling and she drew this picture of me.  I love that this is how she sees me!

 Emmy and I were at the zoo this week with her school.  It was fun to chaperone and eat lunch with her.  Some of Emmy's friends were upset they weren't paired into our group for the zoo and I felt very popular!  Emmy and Claire showed me a fashion show that they created with their extra jackets.

 Emmy had her last day of 1st grade and it was a beach themed day.  She went to breakfast with her Grandma Launa and shed some tears for 1st grade and her teacher who she will greatly miss.

We picked her up at school and also dropped off Bobby's paperwork for Kindergarten and now everyone is ready in a few months for Kindergarten and 2nd grade.  Bobby graduated from Preschool and was very proud of his certificate.  We are so proud of him too.  Kids are just growing TOO FAST.

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