Thursday, June 9, 2016

The good times continue

 The kids and I have been enjoying lots of fun this past week.  We went for lunch at Panera where the kids ordered chicken noodle soup and PB sandwiches. 
 We also went to the library and got lots of new books.  They also loved watching the tropical fish there.  They asked the librarian if they could help her out and she tasked them with putting puzzles away and pushing all the chairs in.  After they put the puzzles away they ran around the library pushing chairs in and Bobby even tried to push a chair in with a kid still in it!  He told the kid, "hey can you move off of this chair because I need to push this chair in?"  I explained to Bobby that the librarian only wanted the chairs that didn't have people sitting in them pushed back in.  They earned stamps for their work there at the library.

 We had the Lundeens, Taylors over for a pool day.  The kids all enjoyed swimming time together, snack time and the moms enjoyed the pool day as well.

The kids have started tennis and the program is great.  The kids have learned a lot from their coaches and are enjoying the sport.  They are very competitive and excel at any game where they are racing!  The other day I took the kids to the park and Emmy found two girls her age to play with.  Bobby joined in as well but Emmy was definitely directing the game.  She came over and asked me to race her and although I at first declined she was very insistent so I got up and raced both her and Bobby.  The first 15 yds we all were in it and pretty evened up but I pulled away eventually to win two races.  Later that night I asked Emmy why she wanted to race me and she explained that the two new friends had mentioned that their dad was really fast at running.  Emmy was positive her mom was even faster and so she decided to show them.  I asked her if I proved her right with the race and she said when we had finished racing the friends said, "Wow, okay your mom really IS fast!"  This made me feel great since Emmy has such faith in me and is proud of her mom the racer.

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