Wednesday, June 15, 2016

New Science Center experiments

 Emmy and Bobby were really into the new experiments at the Science Center yesterday.  There was an air tunnel that you could make paper cups fly up into.  Emmy found that the more holes meant the more aerodynamic and she was very excited when her created made it all the way up to the top.
 Bobby really liked creating air pressure which caused the plastic bottles to pop straight up in the air and make a loud noise.

 Emmy worked really hard at practicing surgery at this station.  She was very serious about accomplishing the tasks.
 This station was about making it rain and creating landscapes and hills, valleys, lakes.  Emmy and I both enjoyed this station.
 Bobby played with some trucks, cars, people at a balancing station.  Emmy played some music and the pipe resonator station.
 I took the kids to vote with me and then we finished the afternoon off with frozen yogurt.
Bible school has the last day today, the kids have really enjoyed it.  They wrote and created thank you cards for their teachers and gave the cards to the teachers.  Bobby wanted to do some of the same designs (crosses, hearts) on his cards that Emmy had done.  He asked if I'd help him since he couldn't draw those easily.  Emmy got very competitive and insisted that Bobby disclose to the teachers that I had done the artwork not him so they wouldn't think he was better at drawing.  When that didn't work she tried to guilt Bobby saying, "Don't you think it would be nice for mom to get some credit for making those cards too when you give them to the teachers?"

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