Thursday, June 23, 2016

Volleyball Camp

 While Emmy has been at her volleyball camp in the afternoon Bobby and I have had some time to visit some new places.  We went to a park where Bobby was more interested in using the adult exercise equipment than the play ground equipment designed for kids.  He is really proud when he "exercises" and so he spent time on the chest press and then after every few reps he would check to see if his muscles had grown.  This was adorable!

 I stopped by to watch Emmy's vball tournament on the last day of camp and found my old 4 X 200 m relay team record.  It was fun to see that the record still stands!

Emmy won player of the day on Tuesday this week and on the last day of the camp (today) she earned the Smiley award and was voted by her teammates as the winner of the Spirit award as well.  Receiving the spirit award meant she got a vball keychain.  She gaves lots of high fives, cheered for her teammates and did have a smile on for the entire time I watched her.  When she got her award her brother cheered loudly for her as well (I did too).  Grandma Launa came to watch.  The kids also gave me lots of birthday hugs, kisses and art projects for my birthday today.  I've lived a lot of really happy years since starting a family with Robb and really can't have a bad day with the blessings I have in my life, especially the kids.  Love these two so much!

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