Monday, September 26, 2011

Mom, let's just talk this out!

Lately when my mom wants me to do things I would rather not do, I like to say to her...."mom, let's just talk this out!" She usually laughs at this and then we have a very adult conversation about what it is she wants from me. Last weekend Bobby had a little melt down and so I sat in front of him and held his hands and told him very rationally that he should not be crying because I said, "We are best friends Bobby!" I have a lot of friends and I tell each one of them good-bye personally when I leave day care. I also said "Good bye, All my little friends!" when I left gymnastics class this past weekend. I am just a friends little girl!


Yesterday mom and I met up with Grandma Launa and Mason to go to the Applefest. It was at Buckstop Junction and there was lots to do. Mason and I played in an old choo choo train. Then
we jumped in the big bouncing play ground. Mom found a booth that offered balloons and we also made a bracelet together. I got a special treat of a popsicle too. At the end of the time there we walked through the bake sale. When mom wasn't looking I grabbed a popcorn ball, opened it and managed to take a few bites. Mom turned around and saw me but I had already gotten a mouthful of popcorn ball so we had no choice but to buy it! I am so sneaky. On the ride home I got into trouble for bopping Mason with my balloon when mom asked me not to. Mom had to take the balloon away until we got home again. Then I had a major meltdown when my balloon flew up to the ceiling at our house. Lucky for me my dad was able to retrieve it again and I told my parents I was "so very happy again!"

Gymnastics class!

I love my gymnastics. Mom takes me every Saturday and this last weekend she took some action shots. My teacher helps me on the bar, I listen with my friends/classmates to her directions very closely. I hop skotch and hula hoop (with 2 hoops when I am showing off!) I do hand stands and sommer saults too. My favorite thing to do is run and jump and climb in the sponge pit. I have such a great time. We also "make a pizza" while we are in the straddle position to stretch out our muscles. I told my teacher that I wanted to put cookies on my pizza! At the end of class we get to have some drinks from the water fountain which is another thing I enjoy and then at the end if I listen really well I get to have a stamp on my hand. I beg mommy to not wash my hands for a while after I get this stamp so it won't wash off. I am so proud of my stamp!

I love bugs and worms!

I love bugs and worms....maybe too much in mom's opinion. I am always laughing, yelling out loud to announce when I find a worm or bug on the floor. I like to touch them and get real close to them. I look the bugs straight in the eyes! Yesterday I found a worm on our floor at home and inspected it very close before mom got rid of it.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The funny things I say

I say a lot of things lately that make mom and dad laugh. Yesterday mom and I stayed home because I wasn't feeling well. Grandma Launa came over and helped mom out by folding some clean clothes. I saw her folding my dad's shirt and I told her, "That's my Robbie's shirt!" Grandma asked if she could continue to fold it and I said, "NO, Robbie wouldn't like that." but when she asked if she could fold his underwear then instead I told her, "Yes, that's fine."
Later on I was interested in the differences between my body and mom's since we are both Big Girls. I asked her what her chest was called and she told me breasts. Then I looked for mine and couldn't find them so I asked mom to help me out. She showed me but said mine were just smaller than hers. I thought about that for a while and then told her, "Mom I want Big breasts like yours!" She thought that was funny and told me that no one had ever said that to her before.
My favorite saying for just about anything is now, "You've got to be kidding me!" I say that a lot around our house now. Yesterday mom gave me some drums (two large bowls turned upside down) and some drum sticks (2 large plastic serving spoons) and I started a band. I sang along to my drumming, "I totally rock, I totally rock!" I had a lot of energy for a girl who was supposed to be sick.......

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

poor dad

On the weekends Bobby and I have a really good time torturing dad. Mom took a picture of me fixing dad's many owies by putting band-aids (stickers) on them. Bobby tried to help too but really just ended up climbing on top of dad's head. Dad must really love us because he puts up with these things we do to him and never complains!!

Mom's half marathon, Bobby's growth milestones and ME!

Bobby pulls to stand now - he is WAY ahead of his 6 month milestones. Mom had him measured and he is measuring at a 9 month level! He is in the 91st percentile for height and 93rd for weight. I am keeping busy in gymnastics class on Saturdays. I love it! I am learning all types of new things but my favorite thing to do is to jump in the sponge pit and jump on the trampoline. Mom ran a half marathon last weekend in 1 hr 45 minutes. Not her best but not her worst time but I think her favorite race since I was there along the way with daddy cheering loudly. It was raining and cold so Bobby couldn't come. I wore a new coat and scarf/hat/mittens set mom bought me. Dad and I cheered so loud and mom was happy to see us and waved at us. I rang two bells for her when she ran past. Dad and I had to park pretty far away from the finish and I insisted mom carry me to the car since I missed her so much. It was a busy weekend!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Eckert Milestones!!

I peed in the potty!! My first time ever. Mommy made me ice cream with sprinkles as a special treat to celebrate. Also, my little brother is now crawling. Lots of Eckert milestones today!!

Bobby's 6 month pictures

Bobby won't have pants in any of his 6 month photos since he decided to poop in his onesie and pants on the way to the photo studio. Once mom got him changed into the extra onesie she brought a pants-less Bobby took some cute pictures. Oh what mom goes through in an average day.........

Gymnastics highlights

Today I got two stamps for listening well. I remembered a lot that we were taught last week but mostly I remembered that I get a stamp if I'm a good girl at the end of the class. Then on the way home mommy and I get ourselves special drinks - smoothies. I requested a blueberry one and I told mommy it was "Delish!" She laughed and thought I was pretty funny. I asked daddy when we got home if he wanted to try my smoothies but he declined - he doesn't know what is good! Today Bobby gets his 6 months pictures taken. He is really a mover these days and can cross the living room in less than a minute by rolling and creeping. He is sleeping through the night consistently now too. He can sit up on his own and has started eating all kinds of veggies. He has his check up next week with the doctor. I went to see the doctor too last week and found out that the tubes in my ears are still in there and working great. I'm set for flu season I guess.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Today was my first gynmastics class. I loved it!! When I first got there I introduced myself to the class as "Emmy Eckert!" They laughed that I said my first and last name. Mom and I were busy trying to listen to what the teacher wanted me to do. I had a little trouble focusing on the teacher when there were so many fun activities to try there. We ran around, jumped, walked on the balance beam, did sommersaults and learned about other gymnastic positions for an hour. Mom said she was pretty tired but I could have played all day. At the end of the hour my teacher said if I listened and did one more present (otherwise known as a "Ta Da!") then I could have a stamp. I did my job and I got this special Star Stamp which I was pretty thrilled about. Then mom took me to McDonalds for a happy meal and a mixed berry smoothie. It was a perfect morning with my mommy. Later on today we are all going out to the ranch and on Sunday we go to Bull-o-rama!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Just playing

Sometimes Bobby gets worn out - he doesn't have the endurance that I have developed over the past two years to play hard. I love to talk and play with him and he always has some smiles and laughs for me!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I've been at the ranch for the past 2 days with Grandma Launa, Grandpa Kelly and Great Grandma Pearl. Every night mom calls to see what we've been up to. Grandma gives her an update and so do I. I've been exploring all things ranch and loving every minute of it. I've been educating all on animal noises and names. I've befriended the kitties and drove the tractor with Grandpa. I've even watched a few care bear shows in my spare time. Yesterday Grandma Candy and Grandpa Bob came out to the ranch. I was SOOOOO excited!! I jumped and laughed and danced when I saw them. They took me on a ride on the 4 wheeler and we found turkey feathers. One time I sneezed and they both told me "Bless you!" I told them, "God blesses me and God loves me!" They got a kick out of that. Mom has been telling me for a long time now that Jesus and God love me and that they gave me to my mom as a special gift because they love her too! Mom is starting to miss me and so today we are coming back home. She gets lonely without me to entertain her!