Thursday, September 22, 2011

The funny things I say

I say a lot of things lately that make mom and dad laugh. Yesterday mom and I stayed home because I wasn't feeling well. Grandma Launa came over and helped mom out by folding some clean clothes. I saw her folding my dad's shirt and I told her, "That's my Robbie's shirt!" Grandma asked if she could continue to fold it and I said, "NO, Robbie wouldn't like that." but when she asked if she could fold his underwear then instead I told her, "Yes, that's fine."
Later on I was interested in the differences between my body and mom's since we are both Big Girls. I asked her what her chest was called and she told me breasts. Then I looked for mine and couldn't find them so I asked mom to help me out. She showed me but said mine were just smaller than hers. I thought about that for a while and then told her, "Mom I want Big breasts like yours!" She thought that was funny and told me that no one had ever said that to her before.
My favorite saying for just about anything is now, "You've got to be kidding me!" I say that a lot around our house now. Yesterday mom gave me some drums (two large bowls turned upside down) and some drum sticks (2 large plastic serving spoons) and I started a band. I sang along to my drumming, "I totally rock, I totally rock!" I had a lot of energy for a girl who was supposed to be sick.......

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