Monday, September 26, 2011


Yesterday mom and I met up with Grandma Launa and Mason to go to the Applefest. It was at Buckstop Junction and there was lots to do. Mason and I played in an old choo choo train. Then
we jumped in the big bouncing play ground. Mom found a booth that offered balloons and we also made a bracelet together. I got a special treat of a popsicle too. At the end of the time there we walked through the bake sale. When mom wasn't looking I grabbed a popcorn ball, opened it and managed to take a few bites. Mom turned around and saw me but I had already gotten a mouthful of popcorn ball so we had no choice but to buy it! I am so sneaky. On the ride home I got into trouble for bopping Mason with my balloon when mom asked me not to. Mom had to take the balloon away until we got home again. Then I had a major meltdown when my balloon flew up to the ceiling at our house. Lucky for me my dad was able to retrieve it again and I told my parents I was "so very happy again!"

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