Thursday, September 1, 2011

I've been at the ranch for the past 2 days with Grandma Launa, Grandpa Kelly and Great Grandma Pearl. Every night mom calls to see what we've been up to. Grandma gives her an update and so do I. I've been exploring all things ranch and loving every minute of it. I've been educating all on animal noises and names. I've befriended the kitties and drove the tractor with Grandpa. I've even watched a few care bear shows in my spare time. Yesterday Grandma Candy and Grandpa Bob came out to the ranch. I was SOOOOO excited!! I jumped and laughed and danced when I saw them. They took me on a ride on the 4 wheeler and we found turkey feathers. One time I sneezed and they both told me "Bless you!" I told them, "God blesses me and God loves me!" They got a kick out of that. Mom has been telling me for a long time now that Jesus and God love me and that they gave me to my mom as a special gift because they love her too! Mom is starting to miss me and so today we are coming back home. She gets lonely without me to entertain her!

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