Saturday, September 10, 2011

Gymnastics highlights

Today I got two stamps for listening well. I remembered a lot that we were taught last week but mostly I remembered that I get a stamp if I'm a good girl at the end of the class. Then on the way home mommy and I get ourselves special drinks - smoothies. I requested a blueberry one and I told mommy it was "Delish!" She laughed and thought I was pretty funny. I asked daddy when we got home if he wanted to try my smoothies but he declined - he doesn't know what is good! Today Bobby gets his 6 months pictures taken. He is really a mover these days and can cross the living room in less than a minute by rolling and creeping. He is sleeping through the night consistently now too. He can sit up on his own and has started eating all kinds of veggies. He has his check up next week with the doctor. I went to see the doctor too last week and found out that the tubes in my ears are still in there and working great. I'm set for flu season I guess.

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