Saturday, July 28, 2012

Daddy and Emmy's camp out

Last night Robb set up the tent and a fire pit and after Bobby (sorry, Bob you missed out again....wait til you are older) went to bed they went out to the yard for a camp out.  Cousin Mason came over adn they played on the swing set, ran around, cooked hot dogs and smores, watched a movie in the tent.....just had a great time.  Around 11:00 I was just falling asleep when Emmy climbed into bed with me telling me she was "cold and wanted to warm up and be comfy, cozy in bed" with me.  She told me she was scared of sleeping outside but if I would join her outside in the tent she wouldn't be scared any longer.  Not being the camping type I told her I would be sleeping in my own bed but she could warm up cuddling with me and then go to her bed.  I think we all fell asleep around midnight (a very late night for a girl who usually is in bed by 8.  Lucky Emmy got to sleep in this morning whereas Robb and I were up at 6 with Bobby who was not aware we all had a late night while he was dozing.  All in all, daddy planned a great time for the kids!

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