Sunday, July 29, 2012

Do you think we should get rid of him?

Emmy was playing with legos and though Bobby had his own legos to play with he kept coming over to her and taking the ones she was playing with.  Tobb and I overhead Emmy say to Bobby..."Bobby you just keep being naughty!" and then to us, "Do you think we should get rid of him?"  then back to Bob, "If you keep being naughty we will have to get rid of you."  Robb and I tried not to laugh as we explained that Bobby was part of the family whether naughty or not.

Today we spent time at the park and then went to Cherry Berry for frozen yogurt.  Bobby and Robb shared and I had a fun time watching Bobby give Robb funny looks and smiles when Robb would tease him by moving the spoon away from his mouth when he was ready for a bite.  Bobby would stick his tongue out to try to catch the spoonful of yogurt and when Robb would take the bite instead Bobby would smile at him or laugh.

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