Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Emmy and my special day

Today was a special day for me and my girl.  We had swimming lessons in the morning and after nap Grandpa and Grandma picked up Bobby and we went to the movie Brave.  Emmy has wanted to got to this movie for a long time and we made it her goal for becoming more consistent with potty training.  She has done really well with this lately.  Emmy and I were the only ones in the entire theater and she say on my lap for most of the movie (which I loved).  She ate lots of popcorn and danced in the aisles after the movie was done.  We then headed straight to gymnastics where I overheard her tell her teachers all about it.  Several times today I just thanked God for the blessings of Emmy and Bobby in our lives.  My heart is full of happiness just thinking about my kids and I actually teared up holding Emmy in my arms during the movie because I just was so darn grateful.  She told me many times out of no where today, "Mommy you are beautiful!" and a few times during swimming and gymnastics lessons she would run over just to tell me she loved me so much.  I heard some other parents laugh but I just thought it so sweet that she would run over just to let me know.  I know that these memories will become less as she gets older so I want to appreciate and savor them now!  God has been so good to us!

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