Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Mom and dad bring home presents

We went on a short work trip (I had to visit some students at clinical sites).  We were only gone for a couple days but I know the kids were excited to have us home mostly because we brought back presents.  Emmy's favorite present was this Hello Kitty back pack.  Bobby got a spider man back pack (which Emmy informed him and us she can borrow).  Bobby is really talking now!  He can repeat anything you say and can ask for what he wants.  When he bumps his head or another body part he says, "Oww!" and then comes over to you holding up that arm, leg or whatever was bumped for a kiss.  Emmy started swimming lessons which has been an added challenge to my busy day of trying to work mornings and spend time with kids in afternoon.  Emmy's lessons are during my regular work time and so things for me have been crazy trying to get my work completed around the kids' busy schedule.  Emmy has soccer, gymnastics and swimming lessons now....Bobby is always busy! 

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